Tuesday, September 30, 2003
My little sister is a mommy! The official scoop:
Name: Devin Edward Avedissian
Birthdate: 9:45pm September 29th, 2003
Weight: 5 pounds, 7 ounces
Length: 18 inches
(what size kilt is that? anyone?)
A nervous throng of friends and family celebrated the arrival with cheers and hugs, waking the rest of the maternity ward. Cheers young Devin. Pictures as they come available.
Just to keep it fresh in my memory. This is my coat of arms:
I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. I checked out this article in Wired, and I must say I like the idea of a loose knit organization of people who dismiss the ideas of mysticism especially in the political context, I don't know that these people are well suited to "grouping". And the name, oy. I signed up anyway, to see and support 'cause I think the idea is a good one. The Brights
Monday, September 29, 2003
Sheila had this up this morning so being fond of playing with gender roles I was curious to see this:

You're an anime corset. Colorful.
What corset are you?
brought to you by Quizilla I suppose it fits.
You're an anime corset. Colorful.
What corset are you?
brought to you by Quizilla I suppose it fits.
Friday, September 26, 2003
I love this. Caught it on CNN this morning. Can anyone read French well enough to help me order one? The Bush Regime Card Deck [R�seau Voltaire]
Thursday, September 25, 2003
the goddess responds to the post below:
EMilliken: ??
GoddessAEM: Post this to our site verbatim
EMilliken: ok
GoddessAEM: "after reading Eric's conversation per Mr. Tree Rat, I realize he got some things wrong...
One: I sat for awhile holding said box with bacon and we asked the mouse/rat he said he hated peanut butter. Then Eric said he would do it, and I reluctantly agreed. I said, "Do NOT let this little fucker into my house, or I will kill you."
GoddessAEM: Two: I was relaxing in the TUB not the shower readin a sci fi book and drinking tea, when I heard Eric SQUEAL like a little girl. I fought the overwhelming urge to get out, and stayed in tub listening to three adults chase a rat around the house for twenty minutes.
EMilliken: hehe
GoddessAEM: Three: It was so funny I had to stay in bathroom to fight another HUGE urge to say "I told you so!"
This from a chat:
EntropyHed:: oh i have a mildly amusing story...
Oren Grudgebearer:: I liked Bonanza
ipaulo:: me too. nothing wrong with Bonanza
EntropyHed:: adrienne and I were sitting in the kitchen friday night after spending a couple hours starting to get ready for my sisters baby shower we were hosting
EntropyHed:: we both noticed that our cats were staring ears forward at the cabinet beneath our kitchen sink
EntropyHed:: so...
ipaulo:: uh oh
EntropyHed:: (a little lighter and bold will help)
EntropyHed:: i crouch down and listen and...nothing...at first
EntropyHed:: then i here that tell tale crunching sound
EntropyHed:: i grab a flashlight and slowly open the cupboard
EntropyHed:: adrienne is peering over my shoulder and i notice a hole in the back left on a board that seperates the sink from the dishwasher
Urda:: haus maus
EntropyHed:: about that time a grey tree rat pokes his head out of the hole
EntropyHed:: notices he has a crowd and disappears back inside
ipaulo:: KILL IT.
ipaulo:: darn. got away
EntropyHed:: (he was really cute BTW)
ipaulo:: they spread disease. and little tiny poops too.
Urda:: i have chewed too far today
EntropyHed:: so i take off the bottom of the dishwasher and notice just in time his feet disappear
EntropyHed:: so....
EntropyHed:: this is 12:00 at night now
EntropyHed:: i disconnect the dishwasher and slowly pull it out, tense...waiting
Urda:: turtle! kermie! earn your keep!
EntropyHed:: ...nothing...but lots of...um...rat scat
Urda:: nice
EntropyHed:: when i finally get it most of the way out i notice another hole...this one disappearing into the wall
EntropyHed:: again...a little peek by our rat and a disappearing act
EntropyHed:: so...
EntropyHed:: i look at adrienne...she looks at me
Urda:: and you name it fred
EntropyHed:: "i can't kill it" ( i release spiders to the wild for crissakes)
EntropyHed:: "me either"
Oren Grudgebearer:: what was that movie that came out awhile ago? Mouse Hunt? Where they destroyed the house trying to get the mouse
EntropyHed:: "well we can't just let is wander around"
EntropyHed:: so using cardboard aluminum coookie sheet we cover up the holes
EntropyHed:: there are 3 total
EntropyHed:: and resolve to deal with it in the morning
EntropyHed:: we turn out the lights to the sounds of little feet and teeth on aluminum
EntropyHed:: next morning
EntropyHed:: we are trying to figure out what to do...
EntropyHed:: first we go through a massive cleanup
EntropyHed:: we write off the dishwasher (even though it works fine)
EntropyHed:: it's outside as we speak
Oren Grudgebearer:: lol
EntropyHed:: i can't hear anything so start to remove the temporary anti rat measures
Oren Grudgebearer:: he got into the dishwasher?
EntropyHed:: not inside the cleaning part...but up all around the electrical and motor
Oren Grudgebearer:: ahh, don't want to take the chance of an electrical fire
EntropyHed:: i remove the last "patch" and...
EntropyHed:: [nope]
EntropyHed:: ...peek..
EntropyHed:: find out later...he's in a dead end
ipaulo:: they have traps that are nonlethal
Oren Grudgebearer:: yeah, my parents had one
EntropyHed:: we walled it in last night like some old wine cellar story
ipaulo:: you can take him on a hike in the little trap and drop off near a snake hole.
Oren Grudgebearer:: has a spring door type of thing that flips the mouse into a holding box
EntropyHed:: i slam the cooke sheet back in place and we brainstoem for bit
Oren Grudgebearer:: fire always works /wink
EntropyHed:: adrienne get a smallish cardboard box and cuts a cartoon-like mouse hole in one side
ipaulo:: this is going to get ugly i fear
EntropyHed:: we put some bacon in it and I hold it against the hole
Oren Grudgebearer:: bacon, you need to use peanut butter
EntropyHed:: adrienne has an appointment and goes to take a shower...
Oren Grudgebearer:: hehe
EntropyHed:: so I'm waiting now by myself holding a cardboard box against the wall...frozen...waiting waiting wating...
EntropyHed:: and i wait some more
ipaulo:: RUN AWAY!
EntropyHed:: my muscles are cramping now
EntropyHed:: and i hear some noises
EntropyHed:: and some scratching in the box
ipaulo:: watch out! It's a Witch-Mouse
EntropyHed:: then
EntropyHed:: i feel the whole weight og the mouse
EntropyHed:: quickly i try to move the box so it can't get out
EntropyHed:: but it's too smart
EntropyHed:: i trap it halfway in the box and the wall
Oren Grudgebearer:: ewww
EntropyHed:: my resolve weakens as i hear it struggle and i pull the box away
EntropyHed:: so it runs back in the hole
EntropyHed:: *sigh*
EntropyHed:: i refresh the bait and do it again...
EntropyHed:: s l o w l y
EntropyHed:: i hear scratching again
EntropyHed:: then in the box
EntropyHed:: i move it quickly
ipaulo:: really stupid mouse
EntropyHed:: ...nothing...
ipaulo:: but fast..
EntropyHed:: i shake the box
EntropyHed:: ...nothing...
ipaulo:: and fed..
EntropyHed:: i pull it away from the wall and look inside
Oren Grudgebearer:: you put your eye to the hole ?
EntropyHed:: like some posessed jack in the box this rat springs from the box
Oren Grudgebearer:: Lol
ipaulo:: it likes bacon. You thy enemy and the battle is almost yours.
ipaulo:: it had huge fangs!
ipaulo:: get the holy handgrenade
Urda:: the holy handgrenade of antioch!
Oren Grudgebearer joined
EntropyHed:: I'm sitting crosslegged by the cupboard and it has no where to go since in my panic i dropped the box and it falls in front of it's exit
ipaulo:: Good thing adrienne is in the shower
Urda:: well e...it is a tree rat
Oren Grudgebearer:: doh, I was disconnected... what I miss
EntropyHed:: after noticing this...it doubles back...
EntropyHed:: runs along the top of my left leg (I'm wearing shorts)
Urda:: bah...just grab the tail and fling it out the window
EntropyHed:: [it's FAST]
Dyrk:: Ahhhh!
Urda:: hehe
EntropyHed:: banks across my midsection and down my other leg
EntropyHed:: then...
EntropyHed:: I'm squeaking like a girl
Dyrk:: Lol!
EntropyHed:: it realizes it's still trapped and heads back at me
EntropyHed:: runs up my chest and over my left shoulder into the greater house
Dyrk:: Run away!!!
Dyrk:: And the cats at this point?
EntropyHed:: [the cats are locked up]
ipaulo:: WOAH! It ran up your body?! KILL IT!!!
ipaulo:: release the cats!
Urda:: rat cooties!
Dyrk:: Unleash the hounds! Err. Cats!
ipaulo:: right away! My god!
EntropyHed:: it's now under our sofa looking terrified and turbo charged
Urda:: turtle! kermie! earn your keep!
EntropyHed:: so i open the front door hoping it will run out on it's own
Oren Grudgebearer:: thats why you have cats
EntropyHed:: nothing
Dyrk:: To crawl back under the house then gnaw through your wall again...
Oren Grudgebearer:: let the cats chase it out... ewww, it touched you.....
Urda:: eric has rat cooties
EntropyHed:: so i take my son's toy fishing pole and laying down prod it
ipaulo:: have you burned your clothes at this point yet to get rid of the aforementioned rat cooties?
EntropyHed:: nothing
EntropyHed:: tap it again and it runs toward the door
ipaulo:: more bacon must be the answer at this point
Dyrk:: Gloves are good.
EntropyHed:: SALVATION!
EntropyHed:: ...nope...
EntropyHed:: runs right by the door under the kitchen table
ipaulo:: bacon ON the fishing pole?
EntropyHed:: grrrr
Urda:: ROFL
Dyrk:: Stupid rodent.
Urda:: bacon on the cat on the fishing pole
Oren Grudgebearer:: ok, I am still laughing out loud...
Dyrk:: (Rat fishing?)
ipaulo:: ROFL
EntropyHed:: i end up chasing it back under the sofa
EntropyHed:: [by the door again]
Dyrk:: (But you shouldda seen the one that got away!)
EntropyHed:: more prodding this time goes and runs under the entertainment center
Dyrk:: Oy.
Urda:: ick!
ipaulo:: NOT THE TV!
EntropyHed:: i call in the troops
Urda:: that's a beyotch
EntropyHed:: mom! dad!
Dyrk:: Hahaha.
EntropyHed:: i need your help
Urda:: rat! out! now!
EntropyHed:: so they come over
ipaulo:: Can I have your TV? Rat poop and all. (like your dishwasher)
ipaulo:: electrical fires and all.
Dyrk:: Need to be safe, after all.
EntropyHed:: i give my mom two long peices of plywood and my dad lays down chairs
Urda:: mom! got bacon?
EntropyHed:: we now have a narrow raceway leading outside
Urda:: no bacon?
EntropyHed:: so i start prodding the thing again and it runs...
Dyrk:: Where he will go under the house and gnaw his way through the wall to look for more bacon... :) )
EntropyHed:: up into the entertainment center
Oren Grudgebearer:: speaking of TV's... ours stopped working today... looks like Daddy is going to get a big screen
Dyrk:: Woo hoo!
Urda:: because that's where the bacon is
EntropyHed:: it's hiding under the tv
Dyrk:: I holding out for plasma...
Dyrk:: The 5 -year plan has been reset...
ipaulo:: stay on target@!
Urda:: so you put bacon in the tv
EntropyHed:: so i stick it somemore witht he fishing pole starting to think i need some #10 hooks
Dyrk:: Heheh.
Dyrk:: Ewww.
ipaulo:: is adrienne at the store now getting bacon?
Urda:: oh god
Urda:: my sides
EntropyHed:: when it runs out of the entertainment center and does this half kangaroo hopping thing out the front door...
Oren Grudgebearer:: treble hooks
EntropyHed:: *whew*
Urda:: and then runs back in for more bacon
ipaulo:: but wait...
ipaulo:: there must be more!?
ipaulo:: invent something.
Urda:: bacon maus
EntropyHed:: "I" run to hope depot pick up a huge box of rat poison a sheet of half inch plywood and drywall screws
ipaulo:: and more bacon.
Urda:: rofl
Oren Grudgebearer:: with #10 hooks
Urda:: i'm crying i'm laughing so hard
Dyrk:: The rat-trap of eternal perrrril.
ipaulo:: lol
EntropyHed:: proceed to cram the poison into every orifice
EntropyHed:: and screw the plywood over the holes
Oren Grudgebearer:: you could bathe instead
Urda:: mmmm cooties
EntropyHed:: then...I take a shower
Oren Grudgebearer:: burn the clothes
EntropyHed:: that's my story
ipaulo:: yuck. you didn't shower and change before going out for more bacon? That's gross!
Oren Grudgebearer:: must say, that was entertaining
ipaulo:: and unproductive!
EntropyHed:: i had a pretty good laugh too...afterwards
ipaulo:: i like that you called your parents.
ipaulo:: that's sweet
EntropyHed:: they live next door
ipaulo:: oh.
Oren Grudgebearer:: classic
Oren Grudgebearer:: Paul, you must brighten your text... i'm getting eye strain
EntropyHed:: the funniest part
Oren Grudgebearer::
EntropyHed:: is adrienne is in the shower and she can hear the whole thing
EntropyHed:: did she come out? nope
EntropyHed:: her parting words to me before going into the shower were "Don't let get into the house"
ipaulo:: how's this O?
EntropyHed:: go bold
ipaulo:: better?
EntropyHed:: there ya go
Oren Grudgebearer:: ahh, mucho mejor
ipaulo:: boy, after that, I want to go home and play SWG. Not sure why.
Oren Grudgebearer:: /grin
ipaulo:: and check the apartment for bacon.
ipaulo:: er... rats
Oren Grudgebearer:: still think peanut butter works better
ipaulo:: THAT'S IT E! If you'd just used peanut butter
ipaulo:: then, when it was in the box, it would have been too busy doing that roof-of-mouth licking thing dogs do when they eat pb. it couldn't have run away
EntropyHed:: lol
EntropyHed:: yeah you're probably right
ipaulo:: next time.
EntropyHed:: no next time
EntropyHed:: i put a lifetimes supply of rat poison under, above, in the house walls
EntropyHed:: my house will have the toxic halflife of a nevada desert
Urda:: ah yes...the foothil tree rat
Thursday, September 04, 2003
Flea turned me on to this site yesterday and it had me laughing out loud. Demotivators, Increasing success by lowering expectations at Despair, Inc. :-(
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