Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Friday, September 17, 2004
Matthew's birthday party had this really cool inflatable water slide that conrad played on for about 4 hours straight...hehe
When Adrienne and I took the tour of Conrad's new pre-school we were both wigged out by how cute these little "potties" were.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Friday, September 10, 2004
We had this discussion yesterday in our chat room that got me thinking (I've edited liberally and changed some names to protect the innocent)
person_x: the big question I've been asking xxx the past few weeks is:
person_x: What is a terrorist?
person_x: everyone seems willing to use it but no one can tell me what it actually means
person_x: especially in the context of current public discourse
That initial question quickly devolved into joking of course
entropyhed: a terrorist is some one who comes into your house steals the uneaten flan and urinates in your beer
person_y: "instigating factor isn't so much a 'behavior' as a spread"...
person_x: they can ahve the beer...the flan though is grounds for war ;)
evolvedskeptic: I'd say death penalty is too light for E's terrorists
entropyhed: draw and quarter?
evolvedskeptic: some form of torture mayb
person_y: We could flay them slowly....
evolvedskeptic: pour ranch dressing up their noses, shove is some steak fries and leave 'em in a fire ant pit
entropyhed: we could remove the top layer of skin from their feet and force them to walk across slat flats :
person_x: eep!
A check of the OED by our resident expert produced these definitions:
evolvedskeptic: volume XVII, page 821 - OED
evolvedskeptic: terrorist
entropyhed: one who engages in terrorism?
entropyhed: hehe
person_y: Heheh.
evolvedskeptic: 1. As a political term: a. Applied to the Jacobins and their agents and partisans in the French Revolution, esp. to those connected with the Revolutionary tribunals during the 'Reign of Terror'
evolvedskeptic: (oh, the irony)
entropyhed: at least that isn't obscure
person_y: Gotta love the mob....not.
evolvedskeptic: b. Any one who attempts to further his views by a system of coercive intimidation.
person_y: Oh oh! That sounds like D's "small t terrorism".
entropyhed: i haven't seen anything about flan, so I'm obliged to dismiss the OED as a hack job
chaos_mine: hmm, so what your trying to say is that someone who terrorizes someone is a terrorist :)
chaos_mine: or is it that a terrorist terrorizes
evolvedskeptic: I'm still chuckling that an actual, capital 'T' Terrorist is a Frenchman :)
chaos_mine: hehe, very appropriate though
person_y: Man, that was a brutal time...
person_x: those jacobites...
person_x: you bring up an interesting point though
person_x: if the OED points the finger at the french...
person_x: who do the french think fits the definition?
entropyhed: americans?
evolvedskeptic: 1818 Herve Beauties of Paris II. 296 (Jod.) He assisted La Fayette in endeavouring to defend the king from the Terrorists.
person_y: I don't think there are many "Jacobins" left... After the nobility was...shortened... And after they turned in on themselves a bit, I think the blood lust was sated somewhat.
evolvedskeptic: 2. Dyslogistically: One who entertains, professes, or tries to awaken or spread a feeling of terror or alarm; an alarmist, a scaremonger.
evolvedskeptic: 1805 W. Taylor in Monthly Mag. XIX. 570 Some book of the religious terroritsts, which intended to infuse the alarm of foul perdition.
entropyhed: 101073217709889664
evolvedskeptic: big number
entropyhed: :)
entropyhed: the first 7 digits speciiy the at&t network
evolvedskeptic: or the FBI center?
evolvedskeptic: :p
entropyhed: is there a difference?
evolvedskeptic: not any more
entropyhed: oh no! I'M a terrorist!
evolvedskeptic: oh, oh!
entropyhed: ack!
evolvedskeptic: [points finger]
evolvedskeptic: oui
entropyhed: [runs away]
evolvedskeptic: oh!
evolvedskeptic: I'm a Terrorist
person_x: voila!~
person_x: je suis un petit rasoin
evolvedskeptic: plus sa change, plus ce le mem chose
person_x: me oui!
person_x: ::starts looking confused
evolvedskeptic: [tosses some water on her]
person_x: J'ai besoin d'une attention m�dicale.
person_x: Prenez-vous des beignets ?
person_x: Je suis trop fatigu� pour le Fran�ais.
person_x: and wih that...exit...stage right
And what�s my point in all of this? The question lingered with me a bit and I stumbled across this series of 4 books that I think would go a long ways to explaining the terror, terrorist, terrorism zeitgeist. If I can find room in the budget I think I may pick them up.
The Psychology of Terrorism
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Mr. Evolved Skeptic pointed out this really cool optical illusion
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